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Neurodiversity In Business : The Secret To Success

Neurodiverstiy in business - why it's essential to success!

Did you know that neurodiversity in business has been PROVEN to improve the success of a company’s performance? I mean, I KNOW it’s my superpower to success, but research is supporting this too. And I love a bit of research! Havard Business Review believes that neurodiversity provides a competitive edge (and I whole heartedly agree!) 

I spent 13 years as a business woman, in a legal corporate environment, and now over a decade as an entrepreneur.  Since my autism and ADHD diagnosis, I’ve been able to see where my unique ways of working and thinking, have made a huge difference to my success – and the organisations I have worked within (you’re welcome!). 

I now constantly notice how our neurodiverse minds work their magic, they naturally challenge the status quo. We ask the questions many don’t think to ask. We approach problems from angles others might not see. And, oh, how this benefits the world of business!  And we aren’t the only ones that realise this, and why neurodiversity in business is at the heart of innovation and change.

Neurodiversity in business - for employees

What the Harvard Business Review actually shared, was that diverse companies are 45% likelier to report a growth in market share over the previous year and are 70% likelier to capture a new market. This isn’t just about ethnic or gender diversity—it’s cognitive diversity. It’s neurodiversity.

Here’s some of the reasons why neurodiversity in business is SO unbelievably powerful! 

1. The ability to think differently and embrace different thought processes.  
Think about it for a moment. Every revolutionary product or solution in the market likely began as a different thought, a deviation from the ‘norm’. Those with neurodiverse conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, often possess cognitive flexibility that allows us to think outside the proverbial box.

2. Problem-Solving: The Neurodiverse Way
While our neurotypical counterparts might approach a problem linearly, many of us in the neurodiverse community visualise problems from a different angle or space.  This alternative viewpoint can often lead to more efficient and creative solutions to problems, and stimulate more effective ways of working. A report by the CIPD highlights how neurodiverse individuals can contribute to enhanced problem-solving and innovative thinking, particularly when they’re included in diverse teams.

3. Persistence and Resilience in Business
Many of us have faced challenges that come with our unique neurological make-up. Through these experiences, we’ve built resilience. We’ve learnt to persevere. In business, this translates to determination in the face of setbacks, pushing through barriers, and the grit to see our innovative ideas to fruition.

4. Niche Skills and Specialised Focus
You’ve probably heard of the phrase ‘special interests’ – In truth, I shudder a little at the phrase, as it’s often used in a less than positive way. However, many of us often have areas of deep, passionate focus – where we find our mojo, get into a flow state and excel. In a business context, this can lead to unparalleled expertise in niche areas – a valuable asset in any industry.

5. Unconventional Leadership Styles
Neurodiverse women often have leadership styles that veer away from traditional norms (this was 100% me during my corporate life!) This can result in creative team dynamics, fostering environments where innovation isn’t just encouraged, but is the norm.

Neurodiversity in business as an entrepreneur

So, to my fellow neurodiverse female entrepreneurs, remember: our brains are wired with distinct advantages that can set our ventures apart. The blend of our neurodiversity with our feminine intuition creates a powerful combination. Together, we’re not just part of the business landscape; we’re actively shaping its future. 

What we bring to the entrepreneurial party is something super special, in my opinion, and having run multiple businesses, since leaving corporate behind in 2012. Interestingly, I spent much of my life pre-diagnosis, still trying to live up to the ‘SHOULD’S’ of others. I worked with business coaches that tried to tell me what I SHOULD do, and for a while there, I listened. 

But something magical happened during the pandemic. I didn’t have any coaches to lean on, or seek advice from, and I started to dance to my own tune
(still unaware of being autistic ADHD). I transformed my business and started to do things on MY terms. And my diagnosis’ have helped me to refine and realign my entrepreneurial life, so it really works for and with me. 

I can now see where my neurodiversity in business, as an entrepreneur has been my secret sauce, where it’s helped me step up and out of what’s considered ‘normal’, and I’ve loved being able to let my creativity and ideas roam free! As well as all of the advantages I mentioned above for employees, the same can be said for entrepreneurs, plus some added extras; 


1. Creating genuine and meaningful connections.

Pretty much all of the female neurodiverse women I know, are running businesses where they are supporting and helping others. They create a deep understanding of their clients discomforts, needs and desires, and they pour everything they have into creating meaningful solutions. What I particularly love about this, is it smashes up that theory that autistic folk have no empathy! 

2. Unwavering inclusivity

With many of us having felt different, or excluded for much of our lives, we have an unwavering desire to create inclusive and safe spaces, both for our clients and our teams. 

3. A unique voice and message

For so many of the female neurodiverse female entrepreneurs I have met, I have noticed that they have a unique and powerful voice. Often, their message goes far beyond their day to day business experiences – these women are usually on a bold and brave mission, that is much bigger than them. I can sense their energy and power from a distance. These women are here to make a difference, in their own beautiful and unique way!


In the words of Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way!

Sometimes, the challenges come in business, when we are constrained by the ‘shoulds’ and rules of others. It can feel stifling and oppressive. This can be the same as an employee and as an entrepreneur, if we feel pressure to fit in with the norm, or what’s expected of us. 

But when we have the right teams around us, and we are following our intuitive ways of working, we can flourish and create absolute magic. Of that I am sure! We have the ability to let the powerful impact of neurodiversity in business shine through! 

I reflect on my time in corporate, and I can see exactly why I struggled so much, but I can also see where I created so much positive change. I can see how I helped improve the working environments for my teams, how I helped them to excel and fly in their careers, and how I was able to create new ways of working.  I can’t help but think, had I have known I was autistic ADHD during that time, would things have been different? I’d like to think they would, but so much depends on the environment you’re in – and whether they are inclusive and flexible in their ways of working.

The right environment will see you supported, where your unique skills and talents and embraced and championed. The wrong environment will likely leave you feeling stifled, suffocated, and struggling to fit in and do what’s expected of you.  Where are you right now?  

This isn’t limited to being an employee, by the way! On no! It’s just as easy to get caught up in running a business the way you think you ‘should’, or doing what mentors and coaches guide you to do.   When I discovered I was autistic ADHD I took a long hard look at my business and I realised that it was not set up in a way to support me, and in some cases, was working against me. I had done all of the things my coaches and mentors told me to do, which didn’t serve me that well. 

Whilst I had created a multi-award winning niche skin & scar clinic, it wasn’t fully aligned to my needs. It was scary, thinking I had created this beast, that now I couldn’t tame it.  But I did. And it was much easier than I thought it would be  -and that is how my RADIATE model came into existence! I created a way to align myself to  my values and goals, and make the changes that I needed to make. RADIATE features in my courses (wait list will be opening soon!) so don’t worry – you’ll get to experience the magic too! 

It’s never too late to make changes, to create a life that is thriving and leaves you feeling fulfilled and happy. You get to define success on YOUR terms, and not societal terms. How amazing is that! 

Create your own version of SUCCESS

Here’s my TOP 5 TIPS for embracing your strengths, talents and impact. Neurodiversity in business is SO powerful and has the ability to transform the business world, whether as an employee or entrepreneur! 

1. Champion Your Unique Perspective: 
Recognise that your neurodiversity provides a viewpoint that others might not have. Celebrate this. When you approach problems or brainstorm, trust that your perspective is invaluable. It’s this distinct approach that can lead to breakthroughs and innovation.

2. Visualise Your Success:
I really find this helps, and I know it might seem a bit ‘woo’, but give it a go! Regularly imagine a world where you’re succeeding and thriving. What does it look like? Feel like? By consistently visualising your success, you not only motivate yourself but also begin to see the path to making it a reality.

3. Reflect on Past Achievements:
Take time every now and then to look back at what you’ve accomplished. By revisiting past successes, you can find inspiration and assurance in your journey and potential. This is so important, we often forget to notice our accomplishments and what we’ve achieved. And maybe, there’s the opportunity to change the narrative here? I was ashamed when I left corporate at 36, after what I now know was a year long autistic burnout. But when I reflect back on all that I achieved, I am immensely proud of the value I added and the fact I survived as long as a I did, in an environment that was a living hell for me! 

4. Harness Your Passions: Dive deep into what excites and drives you. When you’re passionate about something, it shows. By aligning your work or business with these passions (and your values), you naturally stand out and draw others towards your energy and enthusiasm. 

5. Embrace Authenticity:
Being genuine in your actions, words, and pursuits shines a light on your unique qualities. By embracing and showcasing your authentic self, and your amazing strengths, you attract opportunities and individuals who value your true self, and that is just magic! 

And please take time every now and then to look back at what you’ve accomplished. By revisiting past successes, you can find inspiration and assurance in your journey and potential. You can look at what went well, and embrace those areas. You can also reflect on challenges you might have had, and what you can do to put support in place for yourself, for the future. 


Neurodiversity in business is a superpower!

I truly believe that neurodiversity in business is a superpower! It doesn’t matter whether you’re an employee or entrepreneur – your unique talents, skills and creative thinking, will have a powerful impact, if you let them!



Neurodiversity is not just a trait—it’s a catalyst for innovation in the business world. For neurodiverse women, we bring an unparalleled perspective, fostering creativity, adaptability, and a deep-rooted resilience.

By leaning into our distinct advantages, we are not only navigating the business landscape but reshaping it.



I hope that this blog on neurodiversity in business has shone a huge spotlight on just how amazing we, as neurodiverse female entrepreneurs and employees, have so much to offer in the business world. From problem-solving prowess to heightened empathy, our strengths stand as a testament to the fact that difference is, indeed, a superpower.

It’s time to recognise and harness this power, ensuring that the future of business is not just inclusive but also ground breaking. I know from personal experience that it can feel scary to step up and out, and be seen – but you are limitless, you can create whatever you’re brave enough to dream! And if you’re not sure about your dreams – check out this BLOG. 

Until next time, stay bold, stay brave and keep shining your beautiful, unique light. We’ve got this!

I’d love to see you over in our Facebook Community, if you’re not already there. Click on the button below to join our supportive group for female entrepreneurs and leaders (or those committed to showing up fully in their lives!). We are UK based, but you’re welcome to join if you’re not UK based. Nikki x


PS. Have you taken my Autistic & ADHD Women’s Success Breakthrough Quiz yet? It’s super insightful, and you’ll get bespoke advice, based on your answers. Are you ready to find out if you’re living life for yourself, or others?? Then click to take the Quiz!Â