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A diagnosis is NOT what makes you neurodivergent

I’ve had so many conversations with women around getting a formal diagnosis.


So many people struggle with long wait times or the cost of going private.


When I was diagnosed autistic and ADHD in my mid-40s, I found it incredibly powerful, because it gave me a reason why my life had been the way it had.


It validated I wasn’t broken.


I could better understand how my brain works.


But, and this is a really, really big BUT…

The diagnosis didn’t make me neurodivergent.


I was already neurodivergent – it was just confirmation.


The reason I’m talking about this?


If you’re waiting or hoping for a diagnosis and feel in limbo or frustrated, I’d like you to think about something…


You don’t need a diagnosis to start making changes.


And actually, even after I was diagnosed, little help was offered.


It was recommended that I take ADHD medication.


However, I have a heart condition, so I couldn’t.


It felt like I was diagnosed and then it was bye-bye.


Diagnosis or not, it’s the changes you make to your life that make all the difference.


Post-diagnosis, I spent six months working with coaches and trying tools and techniques, but that didn’t help me at all.


I initially experienced some benefits from working with a coach, helping me understand and process what being neurodivergent meant for me.


But I didn’t find a way to move my life forward and make the changes I knew I needed to. 


That’s when I stepped back and looked internally.


I revisited some personal development work I’d done over 10 years ago.


I drew on previous experience in corporate leadership and management.


I’ve also been an entrepreneur for over a decade and mentored others, so I reflected on that.

The culmination of things helped.


I saw the biggest benefit from learning to really understand myself – how my autism ADHD shows up for me; what my attributes, challenges and strengths are; and thinking about areas I needed to make changes to connect better with others.


You can do that work now – with or without a diagnosis. 


Start reflecting on things you’d like to improve. 


Would you like to feel more calm and balanced?


Are you keen to stop the constant cycle of overwhelm and burnout?


Then consider putting some boundaries in place – for example, learning to say no so you can protect your energy.


If you struggle with sensory overwhelm, what about ear loops?


Sunglasses or glasses with filters could help if bright lights are a problem.


Weighted blankets or finding quiet time can create a safe and balanced space.


That’s just a few examples.


When you dig deep and start to understand yourself, you’ll be able to identify environments where you’re well supported.


Personally, I don’t have other people in my home, because it’s a space to be me, switch off and relax.


It’s somewhere I can re-regulate and rebalance emotionally.


On the flip side…


If your office environment is particularly challenging because it’s noisy or you can’t focus nine to five, consider different ways of working.


Reflect on your life and think about what’s working and what isn’t.


And then, come up with ways you can start to make small changes and introduce new intentions or habits.


For many of us, the thought of big change is overwhelming, so take things slowly.


I really wanted to bring this topic up because people regularly reach out to me feeling upset, frustrated and worried they 

can’t get a diagnosis.


If that’s the case, remember you can do the work to help yourself.


You don’t have to wait for a diagnosis.


Even when you get one, you’re not handed a to-do list.


You aren’t told what you need to do for a calmer, happier and more balanced life where you feel fulfilled.


You have the power to do that now. 


If you need resources or guidance, start with my freebies right here.


I’m passionate about helping you create a happy life where you live by your own rules. My services are designed to inspire neurodiverse and neuro curious females on their journey to a more vibrant and authentic life.


I’d love to support you as you define success on your terms.


Nikki x